The Five Pillar Holistic Wellness for PCOS
Discipline is a vital part of leading a healthy lifestyle and having these 5 Pillars of a Holistic lifestyle would re-set your Biological Body Clock and hence the rest of your problems will be solved automatically. Let’s bring to light over these factors.

Eat Right
Your hormones are what you eat! When you adopt a hormone friendly diet, you reverse your PCOS disorder. Plus, you get healthy, feel alive and energetic! Naturally!

Move More
There are more than 37 trillion cells in your body. Yes! That’s 37 followed by 12 zeros! Like this, 37000000000000! When you don’t move enough, these cells get upset. And that isn’t good for health! ☹

Breath Aware
Breathe in health and breathe out imbalance! We live on oxygen and incorrect breathing means insufficient oxygen for all those 37000000000000 cells. Help yourself be more alive with the right breathing techniques.

Sleep Better
Its not how long you sleep that matters alone. The magic is in the quality of sleep. There’s science to better quality sleep – we’ll teach you!

Mind Free
The mind is the ultimate ‘control captain’! What the mind decides, the body achieves! So when we train the mind to heal and renew, the body does too! Remember the mind and body are a 100% mirror reflection of each other!